The Best Begonia growing website in the UK

The colour of Begonias

Starting our tubers

Today, as per this week 11th Feb outside daytime temperatures, have not risen above 4C.
Down to zero, or just above overnight.
Today, it’s 3.3 C, with a biting, North easterly, chilling wind that numbs fingers, by the time I reach the glasshouse.
Dorothy, has been doing most of the chores, as I’m not allowed to lift more than a quarter full kettle- due a hernia op.
Here are a few photos of how my begonias are progressing.
As you can see, my mature tubers are placed on top of multipurpose mixed with Perlite. Many, are beginning to pip.
I place, mushroom plastic containers, with the feet downwards on top of my mature tubers, carefully avoiding any tubers.
My cutting tubers, potted into 3.5/4″ pots, are in trays and placed on top of the mesh trays. This utilises, the space and benefits both my mature and cutting tubers, using the same bottom heat.
As you can see, a number of mature and cutting tubers are beginning to pip.
Any mature tubers, that start to throw stems, are removed, potted into the smallest pot sizes and placed into the largest propagator/ or polycarbonate potting house.
For the most part, I don’t start the majority of my mature tubers, until the last weekend in February/ first weekend in March.
At present, due to very cold days and nights, in twenty-four hours, I’m using approx., 25/30 units of electricity, to heat my hotbeds. Using, the lower usage, that equates to £6:25 + 31 p VAT,@ 5% = £6:56, a day/.£45:92, weekly. Not cheap !!

click on heading for more information.

Propagation of these foliage begonias

A good time of the year to repot these plants to produce supper specimen’s.

The full detailed article can be seen on the members’ only page, written by Dorothy M Williams, British Seven Pots of Foliage Begonias Champion.

We cater for all and every variety of Begonias

7 x 10 inch Pots above entered in 2023 by Steve Jones 9 times National Champion starts his tubers 3rd week in march to keep costs within reason. Follow Steve this year on his way of growing pot plants from starting tubers into fully grown plants, single stem pots and multi stem pots all will be revealed. Keep the tubers in a cool place about 10 deg c until you are ready to start them into growth where the heating will need to be at 20deg c.. There is only one tuber in each pot giving a plant about 33 inches wide and across.

Central area meeting /chat get together 17th may 2 o’clock address in Bulitin

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AGM & Committee Meeting 2025

How to increase your Begonia plants by taking cuttings and preparing your hanging baskets

Select your plant

Cuttings removed all ready for potting then to go into heated bed to enable rooting. Full article is available to members of the NBS.

Renew your membership here.


All New members will receive a copy of the National Begonia Society Handbook.

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