Blackmore and Langdon 2022 Season

Photos taken at Blackmore and Langdon, in May, 2022., prior to the R H S., Chelsea Show.

May, 2022. More photos from Blackmore & Langdon. A group of Helena pots for  B & Ls stand at Chelsea
Billie Langdon.The purest of whites, bred by Blackmore and Langdon
Moira Callan. A deep golden yellow. One to catch the eye on B & Ls stand at Chelsea
Blackmore and Langdon, Begonias in pots packed carefully and ready to be taken to the R H S., at Chelsea.
Van un-loaded and Begonias placed in front of B & Ls, Show stand, where Delphiniums had been staged earlier.
Stand almost completed, a few more begonia pots to be added.
Almost finished.Front view of B & Ls, Chelsea stand.
Side view of B & Ls Chelsea Stand. Looking good.
Blackmore and Langdon’s Chelsea Stand finished ready for judging. Looks amazing! !

Groups of Begonias being prepared for transportation to Chelsea.

1. Dr Sparky, looking a class bloom.

2. A superb group of quality blooms of Burnout, destined for Chelsea.

3. Can Can.

A favourite with the Ladies at Chelsea.

A beautifully formed, exquisite example of the begonia Can Can, raised by B & L.

A real Show stopper.

Eye catching Can Can

Pictures sent in by Ian Rhys Williams taken on his visit to Blackmore and Langdon, Open Sale weekend- Fri/Sun, 6 to 8th, May, 2022. 

pic 2
pic 3
pic 4
pic 5
These are timed for, and  destined for Hampton Court.        Looking A1. 
pic 7
pic 8
pic 9
pic 10
Blackmore and Langdon Open Sale days.                             Friday to Sunday, 6th, to 8th, May.                                   Preview of Begonias timed for Chelsea Flower Show on left, those for Hampton Court on right. 

1st May

Photos provided by John Chiswell.                        These  pots will be on sale during Blackmore and Langdon’s Sale and Open days, next weekend, Friday to Sunday, 6th  7th, & 8th, May.

Plants to be sold

These pots are destined for the Chelsea Flower Show on Tuesday, 24th, to Sunday, 28th, May, 2022.
They look stunning, with their large healthy green foliage.
A fantastic spectacle,  that can be viewed during B & Ls Open Day, next week.

Chelsea plants

This is the same begonia- John Smith  that was last taken on 21st of April, nine days previously. Please refer to previous photo.  What a difference in nine days. Will it hold until, Chelsea, when B & Ls stand Will be judged on 23rd., May?                                 We’ll have to wait and see.

John Smith

This is B & Ls Blackout bench, where cuttings are placed on the hotbed for five days in complete darkness. Notice that the outside of the material is coloured white.This is to reflect the heat from the begonias to keep them cool.    The inside colour is black, this helps to keep the cuttings in complete darkness inside.

Blackout Bench

Cuttings under cover  where they will stay for five days in complete darkness.

Cuttings in Darkness

22nd April

Begonias timed and destined for Chelsea Flower Show.
Buds timed to open in time for Chelsea Flower Show, beginning on 24th, – 28th May, 2022. What a sight when these begonias are in full bloom.
Blackmore and Langdon, Begonias timed for Chelsea.
Timed for Chelsea and about ready to open in a short while.
The B & L., sale weekend / Chelsea Preview weekend, beginning on Friday to Sunday, 6th, 7th, & 8th, May, these blooms will be almost fully open. Always a pleasure to see them.

News update.
Blackmore and Langdon Open Sale Day, see below.
Photo 1.

These are the benches containing started cutting tubers destined for mail order from B & L.
A good many have/ will be potted up already in five inch pots for B & Ls, Open Sale Day.
These will flower this year.

Blackmore and Langdon. Photo 1 & 2,

placed in the Flowering House for growing for Chelsea. Photo 3,

for Hampton Court.

A reminder.

B & Ls open day will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 6, 7 & 8th, May, 2022.

Photos 2 & 3, how they are packed securely in four inch pots, for safe dispatch, ready to be potted up on arrival.
Orders by post start, Tuesday, 19th, April.
To place orders, tel, B & L,  on  01275 332300, also see B & Ls Web page.
Post code, BS39 4JL.

Update 21st March

Photos taken at Blackmore and Langdon recently. Many of these, are available as started cutting tubers, sent out by post.    A fantastic array of Begonias.

Update on Blackmore and Langdon, March 2022.

Photos 1, 2 & 3.

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3

B & L, use lights to mimic fourteen hours daylight.

They are set from 4:00 P M., through until 6:00 A M., the next morning.

These pots under lights are five inches diameter.

They are timed for BLACKMORE AND LANGDON’S OPEN DAYS, ON 6th, 7th, & 8th, May, 2022.

Photos, 4,5,6,7 & 8.

Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7
Pic 8

These are some of the cutting tuber varieties, that will also be potted up in readiness for          B & Ls open day in May.

These will also be for sale soon, when potted up. 

Notice too the labels that have no names- just coded numbers.

They are the selected cutting tubers that have showed promise  and will be trialled again to see if they make the grade and named for future years.

Selected started cutting tubers from B & L.

As some of you may know, you can order started cutting tubers via post, or collection, from           B & L.

Many growers’ prefer to buy started Double Tuberous Beginias this way.

It saves heating costs and the trouble of starting your tuber during the colder early months of Spring.

For more information, contact B & L, directly for what is available.

Tel ., 01275 332300.

My visit to Blackmore and Langdon, 8th, March 2022.

As usual, Dorothy and I received a very warm welcome from Nich and Steve.

Well, at least Dorothy had a very warm cup of coffee. I was unable to have a cup of tea, as they’d run out of tea bags ( Nich will not live that down for quite a while)! !

John Chiswell was there too and both he and Nich gave us a tour of the nursery.

Nich had started his Chelsea tubers during Christmas week and had potted them up in stages into four litre pots ( eight inch pots).  

Another, final potting into five litre pots , if required would be done. 

Please see photos.

The pots destined for Chelsea, were looking good with green healthy leaves.

Blackmore and Langdon, sowed their Double Tuberous seeds a few weeks ago.

Begonias seedlings

These seeds are from crosses, hybridised from named Double Tuberous Begonias.

These will be pricked out shortly and grown on in individual pots.

From these thousands of seedlings, they will be whittled down until just a handful are selected, in order to find those few that will make the grade, after trialing. 

Finally,  they will be named and will join those A1, named Begonias, that will be released for sale in a few years time.

Blackmore and Langdon started cutting tubers.

Started tubers

These  are some of the Double Tuberous Begonias, destined for the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show, have been potted up into 3 and four litre pots.

Looking very healthy.

All set for Chelsea